الحقيبة المدرسية ومعاناة أطفالنا

لاشكّ أنّنا نفرح عندما نشاهد أطفالنا يضعون حقائبهم المدرسيّة على ظهورهم ويتّجهون إلى مدارسهم فنراهم في الصّباح الباكر يغدون إلى المدارس ...... إ نّه منظرٌ مألوفٌ يبعث الرّاحة والسّرور في النّفوس والأمل والتّفاؤل بمستقبلٍ مشرق , ولكنّ هذا المشهد الجميل سرعان ما يبعث المخاوف في نفوس الأهل عندما يتعرّفون مخاطر الحقيبة المدرسيّة وثقل وزنها على العمود الفقري للطّفل , فقد ذكرت دراسة نشرت في فيينّا أنّ أمراضاً وتشوّهات في العمود الفقري والمفاصل قد ظهرت بين طلبة المدارس نتيجةً لعدد الكتب والكرّاسات التي يحملونها من وإلىالمدرسة , وأحصت الدّراسة مجموع ما يحمله الطّفل النّمساوي سنويّاً من الكتب والدّفاتر بما يعادل ( 2 و3 ) أطنان , وقد طالب بعض التربويون المعلمين والمعلمات بتقليل طلباتهم عن الطّالب , وتقليل عدد الكتب التي يحملها الطّالب بحيث لا يزيد وزنها عمّا يتراوح بين 10 و12 % من وزن الطّفل.
إ نّ الحقيبة المدرسيّة مع محتوياتها تزن ما بين 25 و40 % تقريباً من وزن الطّفل الذي لم يشتدّ عوده بعد لحمل مثل هذا الثّقل ممّا أثار انتباه الأطبّاء وخوفهم على جيل الغد المعرّض للعديد من الأمراض, الأمر الذي يؤدّي إلى تخلّف الأطفال عن مدارسهم سواءً لضرورة تقديم العناية والمعالجة الصّحيّة لهم أو بسبب ملل الأطفال أنفسهم وتعبهم من حمل تلك الأثقال الإلزاميّة .
مضار الحقيبة المدرسيّة :
يرى الأطبّاء أ نّ حمل ثقل زائد في الحقيبة المدرسية يعرضّ الأطفال لآلام في الرّقبة والذّراعين والكتفين والظّهر وحتّى القدمين . وقد تسبّب أحياناً ضغطاً على القلب والرّئتين نتيجة تشوّه الهيكل العظمي والعمود الفقري الذي يصبح على شكل حرف C ممّا يستلزم عملاً جراحيّاً ولذلك يحذّر الأطبّاء من حمل الأطفال لتلك الحقائب الثقيلة خاصّةً على أحد الكتفين , إذ إ نّ احتمال إصابتهم بأمراض الظّهر حينها 30 % في حين أ نّ الاحتمال يتناقص إلى 7 % فقط في حال حملها على كلا الكتفين .كما أ نّ حمل الحقيبة على كتفٍ واحدة يسبّب انحناءً جانبيّاً وقد يؤدّي إلى سير الطفل بطريقةٍ غير طبيعيّة ومختلّة .
ومن نتائج الثّقل الزّائد في الحقيبة المدرسيّة أنّه يؤدّي إلى استدارة الظّهر إلى الأمام أو تحدّبه ممّايؤثّر على شكل الجسم بصورةٍ عامّة وعلى العظام والجملة الحركيّة بصورةٍ خاصّة .وما يزيد من رعب الأطبّاء والأهل هو أ نّ مضاعفات المرض قد لا تظهر بشكلٍ آني في مرحلة الطّفولة وإنّما قد تتطوّر مع مرور الأيّام لتظهر في المستقبل على شكل تحدّب في الظّهر أو ( الجنف ) وهو الميل بالجسم نحو أحد الجانبين .
الوقاية .. دور الأهل والمدرسة :
الأسلوب المجدي للوقاية من مثل هذه الإصابات يتمثّل أوّلاً في عدم حمل الطّفل حقيبةً مدرسيّةً ثقيلة خاصّةً في سنواته الدّراسيّة الأولى , ويكفي جدّاً ثلاثة أو أربعة كتب , وثانياً ضرورة تعويد الطّفل علىحمل الحقيبة بطريقةٍ صحيحة بحيث لا يستسلم لثقل الحقيبة ويميل بجسمه معها بل يحاول دائماً أ ن يحافظ على توازن واستقامة عموده الفقري .
ويؤكّد الأطبّاء على أ نّ أفضل طريقة لحمل الحقيبة المدرسيّة هي حملها على الظّهر وليس على أحد الجانبين , ولاكتشاف أي تشوّهات في العمود الفقري تنصح كل أم بملاحظة مستوى كتفي طفلها فإذا وجدت اختلافاً في مستواهما أو ميلٍ في الرّقبة أو عدم اتّزان أثناء المشي أو ظهور تقوّس لأحد الجانبين في الظّهر , عليها استشارة الطّبيب فوراً فالحقيقة الطبيّة تقول أ نّ أكثر أنواع اعوجاج الظّهر والعمود الفقري شيوعاً ينجم عن حمل الأشياء الثّقيلة على أحد الجانبين وإذا تمّ تلافي أسبابه في بداية الطفولة يصبح علاجه سهلاً عن طريق تمرينات للظّهر واستعمال ألأحزمة الخاصّة بالفقرات , لهذا فإنّه بشيءٍ من حسن التّصرّف والملاحظة الدّقيقة من الأم لأولادها نتجنّب مثل هذه المشاكل .كما يتجسّد دور الأهل في عمليّة توعية الأطفال وتنبيههم لعدم التّفاخر بعدد الكتب والحاجيات التي يحملونها .
أمّا المدرسة فيمكنها تقديم العون الأكبر لهؤلاء التّلاميذ الصّغار , فإمّا أ ن تنسّق بين التّلاميذ بحيث يحمل كل تلميذ كتاب مادّة معيّنة والآخر كتاباً لمادّة ثانية , أو أن تؤمّن قاعة مكتبيّة تحوي كتب المنهاج الدّراسي فتوزّع على كل مجموعة من التّلاميذ نسخةً من الكتب المقرّرة يستعملونها في المدرسة فيما يتركون كتبهم في المنزل ويتابعون منها تحضير دروسهم وحفظها وكتابة واجباتهم دونالحاجة إلى حملها يوميّاً من المدرسة وإليها .
كما يمكن للمدرسة كحلٍ آخر كي لا تسبّب تنازعاً بين التّلاميذ على نسخة الكتاب الواحدة: أن تخصّص كل تلميذ بنسختين من كل كتاب يستعمل إحداها في المنزل والأخرى في المدرسة الّتي يمكن أن تؤمّن أدراجاً خاصّة أو خزانةً صغيرة لكل ّطفل يضع فيها نسخة كتبه المدرسيّة إضافةً إلى حاجيّاته الّتي يأتي بها من المنزل ويحملها مع حقيبته , إذ يحمل في أحيان كثيرة مستلزمات حصص الرّياضة والرسم ممّا يزيد الأمر سوءاً , ولذلك قامت بعض الدّول بإلزام المدارس بإجراءات مماثلة كما قامت بسنّ قوانين لحماية الأطفال بحيث لا تسمح أن يحمل الطّفل ثقلاً يزيد على 10% من وزنه , فمثلاً تحظر هذه القوانين حمل الفتيات تحت سن ( 16 ) سنة أكثر من وزن ( 5 كغ )في حقيبة المدرسة .
مقترحات لحل المشكلة:
لتجنّب الآثار والنّتائج السّلبيّة للحقيبة المدرسيّة ينصح التربويّون والأطبّاء بما يلي :
1 – أن يحمل التّلميذ إلى المدرسة الكتب المقرّرة في يوم الدّوام ( أي الكتب التي يحتاجها فقط ) .
2 – أن يحمل حقيبة تتناسب مع حجمه ووزنه و أن ينقل الحقيبة أثناء سيره من يده اليمنى لفترة إلى يده اليسرى لفترةٍ أخرى , ثمّ يحملها على ظهره لفترةٍ ثالثة وذلك للحفاظ على تناسق الجسم وتوازنه.
3 – عمل تمرينات لجميع أعضاء الجسد ولمدّة ( 20 ) دقيقة من جلوسٍ على مقعد وسند الظّهر إلى الوقوف وثني اليدين على الصّدر , وأيضاً وقوف وتشبيك الأيدي خلف الظّهر والتّعلّق على الحائط مع سند الظّهر وبالتّالي الوقوف مع فتح الذّراعين وميل الجذع للأمام مع شدّ عضلات الجسم بأكملها للأمام والثّبات .
ختاماً :
علينا أن نعمل على زيادة وعي أطفالنا للمحافظة على صحّتهم وأن نرشدهم إلى العادات الصّحيّة السّليمة سواءً في حمل الحقائب أو كيفيّة الجلوس الصّحي في المدرسة لنبعد عنهم شبح الأمراض , ثمّ نشجّع بدورنا الإجراءات الإيجابيّة للعناية بالأطفال ونهتم بتلك البحوث والدّراسات المختصّة بأمراضهم وحالتهم الصّحيّة لنكون مطمئنّين على جيل المستقبل فهؤلاء الأطفال أمانةٌ في أعناقنا وقد كلّفنا الله سبحانه وتعالى بصون تلك الأمانة واعتبرنا مسؤولون عنهم بتنشئتهم على أتمّ وجه وفي كافّة المجالات الأخلاقيّة والتّعليميّة والصّحيّة والدّينيّة .
منقول عن : مرئيات حول:
( الحقيبة المدرسية ومعاناة أطفالنا )
إعداد: د. صالح عبدالله العبدالكريم

مساعدة أطفالك في أداء الواجب المنزلى

اعرف كيفية مساعدة أطفالك للأداء الأفضل في المدرسة. احصل على معلومات حول مساعدة طفلك في الواجب المدرسي، إيجاد مكان هادئ في المنزل، اختيار برامج نعليمية مجانية أو قليلة التكلفة، والحصول على المساعدة عبر الإنترنت. لمساعدة أطفالك في الأداء الأفضل في المدرسة، من المهم مشاركتهم في التعليم والحياة. سوف يساعدك هذا الجزء في جعل مكان خاص بالواجب المنزلي في منزلك، التعرف على طرق لجعل الواجب المنزلي أكثر مرحًا والحصول على نصائح حول كيفية احتياج الآباء لتكوين موقف إيجابي من الواجب المنزلي .
ابتكر مكانا ً رائعا ً للواجب المنزلى
تعرف على كيفية عمل مكان هادئ في منزلك ليكون مكانًا مخصصًا لعمل الواجب المنزلي.
احتفظ بموقف ايجابى
يحتاج الآباء أيضًا إلى تكوين موقف إيجابي من المدرسة والواجب المنزلي. احصل على النصائح لمعرفة ما يمكنك فعله لمساعدة أطفالك في النجاح في المدرسة.
نصائح للمساعدة فى الواجب المنزلى
تعرف على الأشياء الهامة التي يمكنك فعلها للتأكد من إنهاء أطفالك للواجب المدرسي. Article sourc : http://jordan.thebeehive.org

نصائح للمساعدة في الواجب المنزلي

كأحد الوالدين، من المهم المشاركة في تعليم طفلك. يشتمل هذا على الحرص على إنهاء الواجب المنزلي في الوقت المحدد. حتى و إن لم تكن تفهم الإنجليزية أو المادة التي يذاكرها طفلك، فبإمكانك المساعدة. انقر على الروابط أدناه للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات.
نصائح عامة للمساعدة في أداء الواجب المنزلي احصل على 6 نصائح عامة عن كيفية المساعدة في أداء الواجب الواجب المنزلي.
تعليمات اللغات الفنية شجع أطفالك على المزيد من القراءة وأن يصبحوا كتّابًا أفضل.
المساعدة في الرياضياتساعد طفلك في فهم وحب الرياضيات.
المساعدة في العلوماحصل على أفكار رائعة للمشاريع العلمية والنشاطات المرحة التي يمكن فعلها مع طفلك .
المساعدة في الدراسات الاجتماعيةساعد طفلك في تعلم الثقافات واللغات المختلفة حول العالم .
Article sourc : http://jordan.thebeehive.org

احتفظ بموقف إيجابي

أفضل طريقة لمساعدة أطفالك في العمل جيدًا في المدرسة هي إظهار أن المدرسة والواجب المنزلي مهم لك ولكل العائلة.بالطبع هناك العديد من الطرق الأخرى التي يمكن بها إظهار اهتمامك. فيما يلي بعض النصائح المفيدة :
أنت المعلم الأول والأهم لطفلك:تعلم أطفالك أفضل من أي شخص آخر، وتهتم بهم أكثر من أي شيء آخر. قم بالمشاركة في تعليمهم في كل خطوة بدءًا بالمساعدة في الواجب المنزلي إلى اجتماعات الآباء والمدرسين.
قم بحماية العلاقة الوثيقة بينك وبين أطفالك من حدوث مشاكل في المدرسة:يحتاج الأطفال للمساعدة في صنع القرارات عن كل من: المدرسة، العلاقات، الضغط، العمل، والنمو. كل هذا قد يكون سهلاً إذا تحدثت مع أطفالك عن كل شيء.
كن مستمعًا جيدًا:يرغب الأطفال الصغار في التحدث عن يومهم المدرسي، لذلك خذ وقتًا في التحدث والاستماع كل يوم. كلما كبر أطفالك في السن، خاصة أثناء المدرسة الثانوية، قد لا يرغبون في التحدث كثيرًا. كن صبورًا: فكر في طرق ابداعية للبقاء مشاركًا في حياة أطفالك.
امدح أطفالك: تحتاج إلى أن تكون قائدًا مبتهجًا لأطفالك أخبر أطفالك بأنك فخور بهم إذا كانوا يستحقون ذلك. احرص على مدح أطفالك إذا صنعوا جهدًا حقيقيًّا.
اعرض دعمك الشخصي: ساعد أطفالك في المشاركة في جداول الضرب أو اجعلهم يقرأون أحد مقالاتهم. إذا كان لدى الأطفال مشكلات في المدرسة، اعرض المساعدة امساعدتهم بها.
سوف تساعد العلاقة الإيجابية والصدق مع أطفالك في تحقيق النجاح في المدرسة حتى وإذا لم تكن لديك تجربة جيدة في المدرسة، فيمكنك مساعدة أطفالك للنجاح في المدرسة. ستساعد طيبتك، مرحك، حبك لأطفالك في عمل اختلاف كبير.
Article sourc : http://jordan.thebeehive.org

ابتكر مكانًا رائعًا للواجب المنزلي

المكان الهادي في المنزل لأداء الواجب المنزلي سوف يساعد في إنهاء الواجب . ابتكر أيضًا مكانًا خاصًا بك وبأولادك للعمل معًا.
فيما يلي بعض النصائح للمساعدة في ابتكار الموقع الأفضل لأداء الواجب المنزلي.
ابتكر موقعًا أو منطقةً هادئةً : حدد وقتًا محددًا كل يوم حيث تتوقف فيه كل الأنشطة المسببة للضوضاء. يعني هذا لا للتلفزيون، الراديو، ألعاب الفيديو، الصراخ، أو اللعب خلال هذا الوقت.
اختر الموقع الصحيح :يعتبر المكتب في حجرة النوم جيدًا، ولكن عمل الواجب المنزلي على طاولة المطبخ أو في زاوية حجرة المعيشة أفضل دائمًا.
احرص على توفير الإضاءة الكافية:موقع الواجب المنزلي للطفل يجب أن يحتوي على الكثير من الإضاءة، من الشباك أو المصابيح.
احتفظ بإمدادت المدرسة في المنزل:يجب أن تكون هناك إمدادات مدرسية في محتوى، يشتمل على أقلام رصاص، ممحاة، أقلام جاف، ورق، والمزيد.
اصنع رفًا للكتب لطفلك:يحتفظ الطفل بالكتب المرجعية (مثل: القاموس أو الموسوعة)، مشاريع المدرسة، كتب مرحة للقراءة، والمزيد في مكان خاص.
زين موقع الواجب المدرسي مع طفلك: يمكن إضافة محتوى مرح لحفظ الأقلام، الصور المفضلة، والأعمال الفنية، والنباتات أو الزهور ويساعد كل هذا في جعل منطقة الدراسة أكثر خصوصية.
Article sourc : http://jordan.thebeehive.org

اللغة الانجليزية للصف الأول الابتدائى

Hand in hand
(22 / 9 / 2008 )
I'm " child name "
Good bye
(24 / 9 / 2008 )
fine Thank you
" How are you ? I'm fine, thankyou . "
Hello Kids
(23 / 9 / 2008 )
unit 1 It is a --------
bird cat dog camel
(25 / 9 / 2008 )
unit 1 It is a --------
horse duck hen
كل ما هو مكتوب باللون الأزرق يكتب بكراس الواجب أما ما باللون الأحمر
grammer أو oral
قواعد أو شفوى
كل درس يكتب كما هو مكتوب عاليه و يكرر إلى آخر الصفحة فى صفحتين متقابلتين تعتبر الصفحة الشمال للحصة و البمبن الواجب

e-commerce on www

E-Commerce involves individuals as well as companies engaging in a variety of electronic business transactions using computer and telecommunication networks. Traditionally, the definition of E-Commerce has focused on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) as the primary means of conducting business electronically between companies having a pre-established contractual relationship. Recently, however, due to the WWW's surge in popularity and the acceptance of the Internet as a viable transport mechanism for business information, the definition of E-Commerce has broadened to encompass business conducted over the Internet and includes individuals and companies not previously known to each other.

It has been estimated that the world-wide E-Commerce market will exceed $46 billion in consumer transactions by the year 2001 (courtesy IDC) and 15% of all WWW users have used it to purchase a product or service online (courtesy CommerceNet/Nielsen Media). Figure 1 illustrates the statistics of some of these market predictions.

Risks in E-Commerce

The risks associated with E-Commerce can be broadly classified into the following categories:

Business Practices

E-Commerce often involves transactions between strangers. However, appearances can be deceiving and several questions arise: How can a consumer know

whether an company will really carry out its orders for products and services as it claims?

whether there are product guaranties, or whether the company will allow the return of products?

how a company will use any information submitted by him/her?

With the anonymity of E-Commerce, the unscrupulous can establish (and abandon) electronic identities with relative ease. This makes it crucial that people know that those companies with which they are doing business, disclose and follow certain business practices. Without such information, and the assurance that the company has a history of following such practices, consumers could face an increased risk of loss, fraud, inconvenience, or unsatisfied expectations.

Information Protection

It is important for consumers to have confidence that they have reached a properly identified WWW site, and that the company takes appropriate steps to protect private consumer information. Although it is relatively easy to establish a WWW site on the Internet, the underlying technology can entail a multitude of information protection and related security issues. As a result, the confidentiality of sensitive information transmitted over the Internet can be compromised. For example, without the use of basic encryption techniques, consumer credit card numbers can be intercepted and stolen during transmission. Without appropriate firewalls and other security practices, private consumer information residing on a company's E-Commerce computer system can be intentionally or unintentionally provided to third parties not related to the company's business. Security breaches may also include unauthorized access to the consumer's computer through an Internet connection. Thus, potential consumers involved in E-Commerce may seek assurance that the company has effective information protection controls and a history of protecting private consumer information.

Transaction Integrity

Without proper controls, electronic transactions and documents can be easily changed, lost, duplicated and incorrectly processed. These attributes may cause the integrity of electronic transactions and documents to be questioned, causing disputes regarding the terms of a transaction and the related billing. Potential consumers involved in E-Commerce may seek assurance that the company has effective transaction integrity controls and a history of processing its transactions accurately, completely, and promptly, and of appropriately billing its consumers.

Privacy and Trust : The Consumer Viewpoint

This section emphasizes the significance of privacy and transaction security from the consumer's viewpoint.

According to the GVU Center's 10th WWW User Survey (October 1998), very high number of users value their privacy on the Internet (Figure 2). Privacy is also currently the most important issue facing Internet users (Figure 3) and a major reason for people not purchasing (Figure 4).

According to the GVU Center's 10th WWW User Survey (October 1998), security (or the lost thereof) in E-Commerce is a reason of serious concern (Figure 5) for Internet users and is a primary reason for people not purchasing (Figure 4).

Usually, international laws for businesses, including quality control and consumer rights, vary from country to country. Therefore, for example, in case of a violation of conditions of payment or fraud, it might be prohibitive or relatively expensive for a customer in Australia to pursue a company in Canada. Such possibilities have led a large number of consumers being very concerned about international business, as shown in Figure 6.

"Local" Efforts Towards Retaining Privacy and Building Trust

There are various issues related to privacy and transaction security that can arise during business transactions. This section outlines such problems and suggests some solutions. By taking appropriate steps on your WWW site, you can increase consumer confidence.


Privacy and Server Logs

Most WWW servers log every access to them. The log usually includes the IP/DNS address, the time of the download, the user's name (if known by user authentication or obtained by the identd protocol), the URL requested, the status of the request, and the size of the data transmitted. Some browsers also provide the client used by the reader, the URL that the client came from, and the user's e-mail address. Revealing any of these data could be potentially damaging to a user.

Many users these days are aware of the information related them being logged (Figure 7), but do not necessarily support all of it (Figure 8). It seems the only type of information about them that the users recommend being logged, is the page and the time of its request, and the browser being used. Many users seem to be comfortable with providing demographic information if its intent and application was made clear to them. As Figure 9 shows, they would volunteer demographic information to a site if a statement was provided as to what information was being collected, how it will be used and if the data would be used in an aggregate (as opposed to individual) form only.

Thus, for a site to gain consumer trust, the policies regarding any practices that involve using record of user accesses for statistics generation and/or debugging, should be made known to the users. If such access logs are being used for purposes other than statistical, such as creating mailing lists, then users should be made aware of that. Such "disclaimer" can appear at places where the users have to fill a form field (in cases such as ordering a product, subscribing to a mailing list, etc.), as well as, in a section with company's "privacy policies".

Lapse in security can lead to loss of privacy. Some sites may leave the server logs open for casual viewing by local users at the site. It is therefore important that the site is well administered keeping the log files secure.

Privacy and use of Cookies

A "cookie" is a mechanism to make up for the stateless nature of the HTTP protocol. Cookies can be used to store information that you have provided at some point when you access a WWW site. Among that data are the name and IP address of your computer, the flavour of browser you are using, the operating system you are running, the URL of the WWW document you accessed, and the URL of the document you were last viewing. Such information can be used for controversial purposes. Figure 10 shows that a high percentage of users do accept cookies. This consumer trust should not be betrayed. Along with the other privacy policies a site uses, the policy for cookies should also be made known to the users.

Transaction Security

Client/Server and Network Issues

In many ways the transaction security of a WWW site can be compromised. There are numerous means for an unsavory individual to snoop into what you are sending or receiving from the other end, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Spoofing. The client can trick your server into believing that the request or post that it's sending is from some other site. This is known as IP and/or DNS spoofing. Your server may respond believing that the client is "trusted", when it isn't.

  • Sniffing. In some cases, it is possible for an unsavory individual to snatch packets as they are being communicated over the network, especially with the newer cellular modems, unsecured phone lines, and so on.

  • Traffic Analysis. Using sampling techniques on the packets or, more commonly, the server log files, an individual can learn about the nature of the transactions that your site processes. This may be used, for instance, in analyzing the competitive level of your site by a site that provides the same services or products.

In each of these cases, the risk can be alleviated (or greatly reduced). In the cases of spoofing and sniffing, the preferred technique is to use data encryption, or signed data for the transaction. When the receiving end gets what your server sends them, they must have the appropriate key to decrypt and make use of it. In the case of traffic analysis of the data files, assigning the file permissions on the directory, logs, and the files themselves is the preferred technique. The logs themselves can be encrypted for permanent archival. Nowadays, most commercially available servers and their respective clients implement encrypted transactions via some, usually proprietary, means.

The client-side of the WWW transaction has analogies to some of the preceding potential problems as well. The client may need to be assured that the server it is receiving its data from is who it says it is, and that the data itself is truly what was sent from the server. Additionally, the client may be asked to execute some code, in the form of a Java applet, JavaScript or Perl script, or some other helper application. In general, it is not recommended to enable the embedded scripting features within a given browser if you have secure or proprietary data anywhere within access of the user running the browser. The users should be made aware of such possibilities.

Payment Systems Security Issues

Credit card is one of the primary means of electronic payment on the WWW. Inspite of that a large percentage of users (20%) reported that they had their credit card stolen (Figure 11), there is still a lot of consumer confidence (Figure 12) in credit card mode of payment. Again, this trust should not be betrayed and arrangements should be made to assure those who are reluctant (25%).

However, E-Commerce security is more than simply encrypting the transactions. Businesses must also ensure that sensitive consumer information, such as credit card numbers, cannot be abused by employees and should not store unencrypted credit card information on the system's hard drive, nor should that information ever be stored in cookies. Remote users should not be asked to submit their credit card number in a fill-out form field unless you are using an encrypting server/browser combination. Even with an encrypting server, you should be careful about what happens to the credit card number after it is received by the server. For example, if the number is received by a server script, make sure not to write it out to a world-readable log file or send it via e-mail to a remote site. Consumers should be made aware of companies policies regarding the use and archival of credit card numbers, after they have been received.

Some types of transactions, especially credit card purchases, may require that you assure the security of the transaction itself. There are schemes such as First Virtual Accounts, Digicash, and SET, that have been developed to process commercial transactions over the WWW without transmitting credit card numbers or other confidential information.

"Global" Efforts Towards Retaining Privacy and Building Trust

Recently, in order to gain consumer confidence, many companies have joined programs administered by objective third parties to make their privacy policies and their business practices explicit. Two particularly notable initiatives in that direction are: the WebTrust E-Commerce seal of assurance from the public accounting profession and the TRUSTe "trustmark" program that takes users directly to the privacy statement of a company that has joined a program. In some sense, these "global" efforts are supplementary to the "local" efforts discussed above, as they provide credibility to them.


In response to the concerns related to E-Commerce and to increase consumer confidence, the public accounting profession has developed and is promoting this set of principles and criteria for business-to-consumer E-Commerce, referred to as the WebTrustTM Principles and Criteria, and the related WebTrust seal of assurance. Independent and objective certified public accountant (CPA) or chartered accountant (CA), who are specifically licensed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) or Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA), can provide assurance services to evaluate and test whether a particular WWW site meets these principles and criteria.

The WebTrust seal of assurance is a symbolic representation of a practitioner's objective report. It also indicates to consumers that they need to click to see practitioner's report. This seal can be displayed on the company's WWW site together with links to the practitioner's report and other relevant information. This seal was developed by AICPA, CICA and VeriSign. VeriSign encryption and authentication technology and practices help assure the consumer that the seal on a WWW site is authentic and the site is entitled to display it:

A list of participants of WebTrust program is available. It is anticipated that this service will be taken up by CAs and CPAs around the world.

To quantify and characterize the need for an E-Commerce assurance service, POLLARA, a Canadian research company, conducted a nationwide survey designed to assess the opinions, perceptions and concerns about E-Commerce over the Internet. The POLLARA study concluded that about 59% of Internet users who have been held back from conducting e-commerce transactions, say that they would be more likely to conduct an online transaction if they were given some assurance about the security and privacy of their personal information and the delivery of the right product. Nearly 70% of Internet users under the age of 35, say their Internet purchasing would increase with these assurances. U.S. research reflects similar results. In a study commissioned by the AICPA, Yankelovich Partners found that 78% of Internet users have a favourable impression of the WebTrust concept.


TRUSTe offers a program that addresses the privacy concerns of consumers and WWW sites. The TRUSTe program enables companies to develop privacy statements that reflect the information gathering and dissemination practices of their site. Its goal is to provide:

  • Online consumers with control over their personal information.

  • WWW publishers with a standardized, cost-effective solution for both satisfying the business model of their site and addressing consumers' anxiety over sharing personal information online.

  • U.S. Government regulators with demonstrable evidence that the industry can successfully self-regulate.

A cornerstone of the program is the TRUSTe "trustmark," an online branded seal that takes users directly to a company's privacy statement:

The trustmark is awarded only to sites that adhere to TRUSTe's established privacy principles and agree to comply with ongoing TRUSTe oversight and resolution process. The privacy principles embody fair information practices approved by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Federal Trade Commission, and prominent industry-represented organizations and associations.

TRUSTe's program has gained significant momentum in the past year, as online publishers mobilize to address the privacy concerns of their consumers. Since February 1998, many prominent companies have signed on as TRUSTe participants, including America Online, The New York Times, and Yahoo! A complete list of TRUSTe program participants is also available.


W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) provides a framework for informed Internet interactions. The goal of P3P is to enable WWW sites to express their privacy practices and users to to exercise preferences over those practices.

P3P is designed to help users reach agreements with services, such as WWW sites that declare privacy practices and make data requests. As the first step towards reaching an agreement, a service sends a machine-readable proposal in which the organization responsible for the service declares its identity and privacy practices. This privacy proposal enumerates the data elements that the service proposes to collect and explains how each will be used, with whom data may be shared, and whether data will be used in an identifiable manner. The set of statements that may be made in a proposal is defined by a core set of information practice disclosures designed to describe what a service does. Proposals can be automatically parsed by WWW user-agents such as WWW browsers or servers, and compared with privacy preferences set by the user. Thus, users need not read the privacy policies at every WWW site they visit. If a proposal matches the user's preferences, the user agent may accept it automatically by returning a "fingerprint" of the proposal. If the proposal and preferences are inconsistent, the agent may prompt the user, reject the proposal, send the service an alternative proposal, or ask the service to send another proposal.

P3P uses RDF/XML as a format for making privacy statements as well as for exchanging data under user control. P3P will support future digital certificate and digital signature capabilities as they become available.

Although P3P provides a technical mechanism for ensuring that information is released only under an acceptable agreement, it does not provide a technical mechanism for making sure services act according to their agreements. However, laws and self-regulatory programs can provide enforcement mechanisms. For example, P3P proposals may include reference to an assuring party that may take legal action against the service provider if it violates an agreement.

P3P gives users the ability to make informed decisions regarding their WWW experience and their ability to control the use of their information. Sites can use P3P to increase the level of confidence users place in their services.


Towards Building a Web that We Can Believe In

The WWW has captured the attention of businesses and consumers, causing the number and types of electronic transactions to grow rapidly. Nevertheless, many feel that E-Commerce will not reach its full potential until consumers perceive that the risks of doing business electronically have been reduced to an acceptable level. consumers may have legitimate concerns about transaction integrity, control, authorization, confidentiality and anonymity. For the business to thrive, such issues must be addressed at all cost by a company involved in E-commerce.

In the faceless world of E-Commerce, consumers need the assurance of an objective third party. This assurance can be provided by independent and objective initiative such as WebTrust that set criteria and provide verification for E-Commerce. The standards for privacy are higher for a medium with the power and reach of the Internet. There is a need for enforceable standards for privacy that consumers can rely on and trust. Programs such as TRUSTe and P3P can help meet consumers' expectations about privacy and build trust in the online medium.


I would like to thank Hervé Mamodhoussen, C.A., for introducing me to the WebTrust project. Statistical graphs and icons presented here are copyrights of respective organizations, and their use is hereby acknowledged

article source http://www.irt.org

Where Are We Now? A Decade of E-Commerce

According to research by VeriSign, e-commerce was born on August 11, 1994, when a CD by Sting was sold by NetMarket. To celebrate, the Internet infrastructure and technology company hosted a panel discussion with Net honchos to reminisce and, more important, to imagine the next 10 years of shopping online.

Panelists Stratton Sclavos, chairman and CEO of VeriSign, joined Yahoo, Chief Operating Officer Dan Rosensweig, Morgan Stanley Managing Director Mary Meeker, Merchant E-Solutions Executive Vice President Charles Jadallah and CNET Networks Chairman and CEO Shelby Bonnie in a conversation about what's working and what still needs work.

When you look at e-commerce statistics, Meeker noted, the channel is still in its infancy. By her analysis, the value of online sales is only 2.1 percent of total retail sales. If you subtract sales on eBay, she said, e-commerce represents just 1.7 percent of all commerce. There's most room for growth in international sales, she added.

"About 15 percent of transactions are now cross-border, and the ability for that to go to 20 or 30 percent and be truly global is underappreciated," she said.

While consumers' fears about providing credit card information online, formerly a top barrier to the growth of e-commerce, have waned, security is as much of an issue as ever, thanks to the rise of phishing exploits.

About 2 million people have taken the phishing bait. But VeriSign's Sclavos said that authenticating Web sites and individuals, which is what his company does, can help.

"We're beginning to see real efforts to make authentication online stronger," he said. The goal would be to have authentication methods in place so that, when someone gave up personal information, such as an account number and password to a phisher, the phisher still wouldn't be able to use it. "Our kids will be much more ready to adopt this than our generation is," he said.

"Authentication is a must-have but too hard to do," Sclavos said.

If they have to choose, customers will always choose ease of use over security. He said that in the next 10 years, we'll move from proprietary, one-off forms of authentication to an open model. That will allow business partners to share not only authentication but also the cost.

"Authentication has to be ubiquitous and mobile, so you can carry it with you. We're finally getting to a pain point with consumers where the momentum is clearly there.

Such a system of universal authentication also would ease the shopping process, according to Jadallah, who predicts the checkout process and ease of use will improve dramatically.

Instead of having to enter the card number, name and address for each purchase, the experience will be similar to that in a store, where one simply swipes a card.

There's a flip side to e-commerce, Jadallah noted, which is making it easier for physical stores to do business. For example, restaurants now dial into the electronic payment network to authorize a sale, a process that takes at least a couple of minutes. "Why not plug it into the Internet?" he asked. "That's the next wave."

Yahoo's Rosensweig said that online shopping adds the most consumer value by offering a breadth of product information. He said Yahoo's Launch music service is beginning to benefit by the amount of user-generated content and the ability to track and understand users. "All you see now is the easy stuff," he said.

He and CNET's Bonnie agreed that adding social networking to user reviews and comments will make sites even more useful for consumers -- and for retailers, who can aggregate user data, then match it with users' networks to offer such things as music recommendations that are much more likely to hit the mark.

The challenge, Bonnie said, is finding a way to harness user recommendations and social networks to offer people things they didn't know about. "Metadata and creating smarter connections will take us to a whole new level of personalization," he said.

Bonnie said that just as reviews have a big impact on conversion rate, video will dramatically change the game, making the shopping experience more like that of a physical store.

"Personalization will be surprising and effective," Meeker said. "Stuff will get to you when you want it, and you will really want it. And services will come into play: You'll be able to get five people to bid on coming to mow your lawn on Wednesday."

Meeker said the importance and quality and magnitude of consumer reviews is very important in the decision process.

VeriSign did 1 billion lookups in 2000 and 14 billion in 2004, Sclavos said. As that number goes even higher, "We'll have to be like the phone networks and the electric grids and step it up for the next phase." He said that the Internet is hitting another inflexion point. "Usage is escalating faster than anyone would have imagined. Usage is now driving more complexity into interactions between networks and applications."

Meeker predicted that as the complexity of e-commerce and Internet use in general increases, we'll see more outages in the coming year. "But people will be more forgiving, because there's more value to them."

By Susan Kuchinskas

Article originally appeared on Internetnews.com.

Free Shipping – Is it a right decision

Free shipping may not always be a bright idea to drive sales. You should always evaluate your product profile like its weight, size & bulkiness before you choose to provide free shipping. It is advisable to offer free shipping in the lightweight goods, as they would carry less shipping charge. Above all, you should consider the profitability & yield provided to cover the financial cost of the offer.

Evaluate likely market response and the business implication before offering Free shipping to your customers. Moreover, entering into hidden tactics like wrongly increasing the product price to cover the free shipping cost may spread negative publicity about your store.

Source: entrepreneur.com

Choosing a Hosted E-Commerce Solution

The promise of easy, installation-free e-commerce is almost as old the e-commerce industry itself. The reality, though, is that it's only recently that solid, robust, reliable and relatively inexpensive hosted e-commerce services have begun to appear. A hosted e-commerce service is supposed to solve an online merchant's non-product needs, offering a combination of shopping cart technology, merchandising, payment, shipping, marketing smarts and, of course, hosting.

Choice can be good — but it can also be confusing. Just about every major hosting company today offers some form of hosted e-commerce package. Here on ECommerce-Guide.com we've reviewed a number of hosting companies' offerings including: Interland, 1&1, GoDaddy, Hostway and Yahoo! among others. So how do you choose?

In Part 1 of this series we'll look at what's important in choosing an e-commerce hosting provider; In Part 2 we'll apply those measures against the vendors we've reviewed.

What's Important
The first step in choosing which service to choose is first deciding and understanding what's important. Not all services are created equal. Though, in my experience, the basic needs of online merchants are almost always the same.

1) Full Wizard-Driven Setup — Not half way and not half fast
You've chosen to go with a hosted e-commerce solution because it's an all -in-one solution and is supposed to be easier right? Then why would you want to struggle with setup?? A proper wizard should be able to take you from start to finish in the completion of a fully operational, production-ready e-commerce storefront. Anything less than that is hardly a wizard and ends up being far more frustrating than not having one in the first place.

2) Choice of templates — Not just customizability of templates.
One size does not fit all, one design one template is not good enough for myriad of businesses and their products. No hosted e-commerce vendor will ever tell you that they don't allow you to customize a template, design or style. Well, whooptie doo! That's just not good enough! If the vendor doesn't offer a strong selection of template to begin with, you're still up a creek without a paddle.

3) Catalog import/export features — Can you say carpal tunnel?
Every e-commerce storefront will allow you to build a catalog; but not all of them will allow you to import the data you already have. You don't want to have to type everything in again do you?

The ability to easily export data is equally as important. You may, at some point, want to change hosts and move your store to a different vendor's solution. It would be a real shame if you had to manually re-enter all of your precious product catalog data again, wouldn't it?

4) Additional marketing capabilities — If you build it, will they come?
It's not enough just to build a store; you've got to market it as well. Some vendors will include a mailing list capability, which is certainly a start. Others will also include optional incentives such as gift certificates, coupons, and the ability to run promotions and run an affiliate marketing program. Integration with XML-based shopping feeds — such as Google's Froogle - engine is critical.

In my opinion, the more the merrier. Use as much marketing panache to attract visitors to your site, and within your site, to optimize sales.

If they can't find you (or the product you want to sell), they won't come.

5) Payment — PayPal is good, but it's not good enough.
PayPal is an excellent payment gateway and serves the needs of many. It isn't the only payment gateway, though, and it doesn't meet everyone's needs. The best hosted e-commerce vendors know this and offer several payment gateways.

6) Shipping
Shipping has always been, and will always be, the lynchpin that holds e-commerce together. For a hosted e-commerce solution to be of any practical use, it MUST include automated and robust shipping calculation tie-ins to the major shipping companies (i.e. USPS, UPS, FedEx).

7) Analytics - If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.
Understanding where your business is coming from is critical to e-commerce success. Some of the hosted e-commerce sites include reporting and some include more advanced web analytics like Urchin. Frankly, I think the better you understand your visitors' online behavior, the better off you'll be.

What I Take for Granted
Service, support and the actual hosting for the major hosting companies and their respective e-commerce offerings is a given. That's not to say those elements are not important - they are. It's just that the hosting companies are, for the most part, all really good at service and by definition they're hosting companies. Among the four hosts that I personally reviewed (Interland, 1&1, GoDaddy and Hostway), perhaps Interland stood out a bit because they were exceptionally fast. But, by and large, all of the services provide excellent support and service.

Who's the Best?
So where does that leave us? The above info is all fine and nice, but which vendor offers the best solution? The answer to that question is not nearly as easy as I would like it to be.

The reality is that the hosted e-commerce solutions offered by the hosting companies are in a state of constant flux. New features are constantly being added to these services which make it difficult (if not impossible) to make a finite recommendation. The reviews that we've done here on ECommerce-Guide.com are only snapshots of those solutions at points in time. I've written reviews of solutions that I knew to be accurate as of the day I wrote them — only to become somewhat inaccurate only a few days later due to an upgrade that significantly altered or improved the solution.

In part two of "Choosing a hosted e-commerce solution," I'll pull out the noted and noteworthy from the reviews of hosted solutions we've done to help you make an informed choice. We'll also include a chart that will break it all down based on what the vendors are currently saying

By Sean Michael Kerner

article source http://www.ecommerce-guide.com

Starting Your Own E-Business

Congratulations — you're thinking of starting an online business. You certainly know how to spot a growth area when you see one. The rest of the economy might be shaky, but e-commerce enjoys rosy predictions for years to come. More and more people are spending more and more money online every year.

Of course, if it were that easy, everyone would start on online business. Well, actually, it seems like everyone is starting an e-business. Hordes of new online stores spring up every week. Retired grade school teachers start them, and people who use to sell shoes for a living start them. Experienced, well-financed business types launch them, and people who have no idea what they're doing launch them.

And why not? The barriers to entry are low, a lot of online businesses can be run from home, and there's gold in them hills.

But, in truth, it's not simple to succeed as an online merchant (which is different from just setting up a site). As one e-commerce expert noted, there are more dollars being spent online all the time, but the amount of competition for those dollars is growing even faster. At this point, it's tough out there.

But don't lose heart. There are a lot of people making money online who don't have degrees from the Wharton School of Business (Trump's alma mater). Plenty of cyber-merchants are flying by the seat of their pants, and doing pretty well in the process.

You can be one of them, if you've got some dollars to invest, are ready to work hard, and — this part gets tricky — are willing to put some serious thought into it. Let's start with the serious thought required before you open for business.

The Two Parts
Roughly speaking, starting an online business is divided into two parts: the hard part and the easy part.

The easy part is assembling your basic business structure. You'll need to choose your software platform, set up a credit card account, develop a marketing plan, and figure out a few more nuts and bolts things. Oh sure, there's a lot of homework involved here — and plenty of cash outlay — but all told, this part's not rocket science.

The hard part is developing your e-business plan. That requires awareness and understanding of what it means to do business online, and an inventive strategy. Developing a sound business plan is not only critical; it's the do-or-die step in starting your online store.

'But wait,' you say, 'I already have my business plan — I'm just looking for a little help in building my site, and I'm rarin' to go.'

Well, hang on. You may think you have your online merchant plan — and you might. But before you assemble your basic business structure, you have one precious opportunity to really think things through — now.

More e-businesses have failed because of a faulty underlying concept than because of problems with software or hosting issues. Remember the Internet boom of the late '90s? Those businesses had full tech staffs and fat marketing budgets, but a lot of them went belly up because their business plan was no better than the Titanic's plans for dealing with icebergs.

"The biggest favor you do yourself in the beginning is to take time to really think about what your doing — make deliberate decisions," says Jeff Binder, CEO of Saffron Rouge and an expert in starting online businesses.

"Am I going to be niche retailer? Am I going to be a mass market retailer?" In short, "how am I going to make money?"

"Your business model could be such that you don't make anything on the products you sell — but you make money by selling ads on your site. Or, you can practically give away your product, but make all your money on your grotesquely expensive shipping fees. Or, your shipping is free all the time, but your product costs are higher," says Binder.

Whatever the case, before you launch YourBusiness.com, make sure you've considered the following:

What's really different?
Is there anything that really distinguishes your site from similar online merchants? If you're merely going to sell widgets like the 14 other well-established widget sites do, your 'me-too' approach will limit your success. Find some way to set yourself apart so people come to you rather than your competition.

Case in point: GatorPack sells packing supplies — nothing unique there. But two things keep customers coming back: the site's design is as simple and efficient as possible — customers order right from the front page (no digging). And, the site focuses like a laser beam on filling orders the same day they get them. GatorPack sets itself apart by being incredibly easy and fast to buy from.

Here's the reason originality is so important in your e-business plan: You can set up a dry-cleaning business in your neighborhood, and it doesn't have to be any different from the dry-cleaning business across town. No imagination, but no problem - because nobody's going to drive across town to get their clothes dry-cleaned.

But online, all businesses are right next to each other. Click your mouse and you're there. So simply setting up the exact same online business that someone set up in 2002 is going to be an uphill climb. They're established in the search engines and you're not.

So setting up an online business takes a little more originality, some kind of twist, that setting up a real-world store doesn't.

What's the competition?
Scope out potential competitors' sites - now is the time to spot the chinks in their armor. What are they missing? What customer need do they fail to serve, that you can cater to and gain advantage? Pretend you're a customer. What do you wish was different about their online store?

Case in point: Before she launched PaperMojo, which sells decorative handmade paper, Shelley Gardner-Alley checked out similar sites. She learned two things: most do not have a broad selection, and many do not have attractive sites. So she incorporated both these features into her business plan - she was ready to one-up her competitors before her first day of business.

To find out how much traffic your competitor is getting, you can use the Alexa service. This tool doesn't give absolute numbers of visitors, but it provides a relative ranking number.

Who are your customers?
The people who spend money at your site are the most beautiful people in the world — you want to know everything about them. (In fact you better share their interests, otherwise you'll never bond with them enough to be successful.) With all your customers' desires in mind, make your site the center of their world. Beginning with the front page, make it clear that you exist for their special needs.

Case in point: AnglersVice is a fly-fishing site started by an ex-stockbroker who's following his lifelong passion with fly-fishing. He not only sells the gear, he offers scads of information about fly-fishing, including "The Angler," an online magazine about the sport. He posts photos of happy fisherman near the top of his front page. He knows his customers and he uses that knowledge to sell to them.

What Sells Online
As e-commerce enters its second decade, certain patterns have emerged about what sells well on the Internet. The product you sell might not be in this mold, but if not, you'll need a good rationale for going outside the norm.

Hot online sellers:
  • It's Niche If you're Wal-Mart, you don't have to be niche, because you have the deep pockets to carry everything. But if you're mom and pop, you better pick one product and sell it better/faster/cheaper/more interestingly than anyone else.

    Selling women's clothing isn't a niche, but "women's vintage clothing" is a niche (although it's a crowded niche). Even more niche, sell only vintage evening gowns — sell nothing but vintage evening gowns, and have a better selection and more product tips than anyone else.

    Along this same line, personalized items are good - something you customize for each customer, or anything that is rare and difficult to find. Or, something that isn't available in your customers' local areas (like fine French perfumes or hand-painted porcelain dolls) that you have easy access to.

  • It's Convenient Busy shoppers are willing to pay more if you simplify their lives (and online shoppers are still more affluent than their offline brethren). It's a hassle to drive to the store to buy it - but if you sell it hassle-free online, you've got yourself a customer.

    For example, the owner of CoffeeCakes sells her coffee cakes and gift baskets at above grocery store prices. Owner Sherry Comes knows that her customers are people who don't care about saving three bucks - but they want a gift basket sent quickly and reliably. CoffeeCakes, using a highly efficient fulfillment system, does a brisk business.

  • It's a good deal Okay, this contradicts the "it's convenient" point above, but there are many types of online shoppers. In short, people want it cheap - and the Internet makes comparing prices as easy as click-click-click. With the help of comparison shopping sites like Shopzilla and Nextag, and other tools like Dealio's shopping comparison toolbar, people compare prices day and night.

    This hunger for a cheaper price could benefit a mom and pop operation: in some cases, a small merchant who operates with a skinnier margin can undercut a big player with a fat infrastructure to maintain. (But there's always someone who's willing to undercut that small merchant!) How low are you willing to go?

  • It's small, and easily shipped There's a reason that books and CDs were the first big sellers on the Net - you can mail them easily. (That's also the reason it's hard to open a new book or CD site - it's a saturated market.) People get very excited by low shipping charges.

Of course there are now plenty of exceptions to this - Overstock sells queen-sized bed frames. You might find a less-crowded market by selling larger items.

Speaking of Overstock... (and the difficulty of online business)
By the way, Overstock's shipping charge for that full-sized wood bed frame, which it sells for $330, is $2.95. So that's essentially free shipping for an item that is already competitively priced.

No, this is not an ad for Overstock, but a warning before you start your online business: You'll be competing with merchants who have huge marketing budgets - Overstock runs TV ads, for goodness sakes - and have rock bottom prices.

In short, there's no way to compete in this environment without a cogent and inventive business plan. It's rough out there.

Two More Key Points Before You Begin

Talk to people This one's a freebie but it's all-important: get as much advice as you can. Call business owners. Pester people. Look under rocks. Find out why people failed doing the same thing you plan to do. Don't go into this blind: good information can save you tens of thousands of dollars.

(This is the big one:) Do the math! Before making your final decisions about your e-business strategy, sit down with a calculator. Make a list of all your upfront one-time start-up costs, and all your fixed, monthly ongoing costs. Make sure you include a hefty line item for your marketing budget, and another hefty line for unexpected expenses, which will occur every month.

With these numbers in mind, how many widgets do you need to sell at what price every month to turn a profit? Is it realistic that you can sell that many?

And, given that you're not going to sell that many in your first month, how many months can you operate on a money-losing basis before you need to fold your tent?

Do all these calculations and you'll have a single number. This is the dollar figure you'll need to start your online business. Of course, if the thing goes belly up, this is also the dollar figure you've flushed down the tubes.

It's important to do this math ahead of time, because it allows you to look at the number in the cold light of day, before you take the plunge.

Some people don't figure out the math beforehand, and they get a few thousand dollars in, and they realize, "Hey, I'll need x-amount of thousands of dollars more to do this!?" It's only then that they realize they can't afford it, and by then they're in the middle of a deep river.

So take a good look at the initial investment amount. Are you willing to risk it?

Boldly Going Forth
Okay, so you've got your plan. It's an e-business that fills a very real need, and it's at least a little bit different from the other 14 major players in the space.

You know what it will cost, and you're willing to spend it. Let's start the building process.

article source http://www.ecommerce-guide.com

When Americans Buy…They Go Online First

Looking for a store? Want to compare prices? Need product information? Every day, millions of Americans are turning to the Internet before they decide what to buy and where to buy it.

In a survey conducted in March byBurst Media, nearly half (49.8%) of respondents cited television as the media that most effectively captured their attention, followed by the Internet, with magazines, newspapers and radio trailing.

Most Effective Media for Capturing the Attention of US Adult Internet Users, March 2006 (% of respondents)

Not a bad showing for the newest medium on the list. When respondents were asked about purchasing influence, which ranks higher in marketers' concerns than general attention grabbing, the Internet was revealed to be even more significant.

"As the Internet's reach has grown so has its influence on the way households conduct many daily activities," Chuck Moran of Burst told iMedia, "one being how households gather information on products and services they plan to purchase."

More than half of the respondents said the Internet was their primary source for information about products or services they might purchase.

Even more striking was the difference in use of the Internet between income segments. Use of the Internet to gather product information rises dramatically as household income (HHI) increases. In other words, the higher the HHI, the more the Internet influences purchasing.

US Adult Internet Users for Whom the Internet Is the Primary Source of Information about Products They Plan on Purchasing, by Household Income, March 2006 (% of respondents in each group)

If marketers test these findings in the real world and find they hold up, the already steady flow of ad dollars from television to the Internet could turn into a flood.

For more information on online sales, sign up to be notified when the new eMarketer report US Retail E-Commerce is published.

article source http://www.emarketer.com

Teens and E-Commerce: Selling to the Teen Shopper

When it comes to shopping online, teenage users are a contradiction: Most teens don't have their own credit card, yet they love to shop online. (Which simply proves they have access to their parents' card).

About 80 percent of online teens age 12-17 visit retail sites, according to ComScore. This represents an audience of between 12 to 15 million teen shoppers. For example, eBay saw 6.4 million teen users in April 2006, while Amazon saw 3.5 million and Apple saw 3 million. (In Apple's case, iTunes was surely the draw.)

Another paradox about teens online, or perhaps it's best described as a myth: Teens are not the super tech-savvy users they are popularly thought to be.

According to popular conception, teens are far more adept at Internet use than adult users. We have an image of the totally plugged-in teen, instant messaging while cruising MySpace, downloading movies while listening to their iPod.

But being constantly plugged doesn't mean teens are tech wizards, claims a study by the Nielsen Norman Group. While some teens are tech know-it-alls, they're the exception, says Hoa Loranger, one of the report's authors.

To be sure, teens are much more comfortable with technology — they don't fear it as much as adults do.

But if something doesn't work for a teen user, "they have much less patience, and that's why they can't overcome a lot of technological obstacles. If it doesn't work the way they expect, they just abandon the process."

Furthermore, teens' research and reading skills haven't yet matured, she notes.

Due to these factors, teens successfully complete online tasks less often (55 percent success rate) than adult users (66 percent success rate), based on the Nielsen study.

Yet, however difficult it may be to reach these fickle consumers, they represent a potentially lucrative market. A Pew study in late 2004 estimated the total online teen audience, age 12-17, as 21 million. This first generation of users to have grown from infancy in the Internet age will surely be active online consumers in the years ahead.

Balancing Hipness with Ease of Use

The Nielsen study watched teens in action. So it's based on actual teen behavior as opposed to surveys that teen users filled out about themselves.

As researchers tracked teen Web usage, they discovered a conundrum: Teenagers are attracted to sites with a hip, cutting-edge look, yet they have difficulty with a complex design.

"The visual feel and visual design is very important to them. First impressions are very important," Loranger says. "They like cool graphics and they pay attention to the visual experience more than adults do."

Teen users also need to be constantly engaged and entertained to keep their attention. "The common thing we heard over and over again is 'I'm bored,'" she says.

But ultimately, they want to get something done. They're not like young children, who randomly scrub the screen with the mouse to see what pops up. Teens are more task specific.

"So when the visual design or the interaction design gets in the way of what they're trying to accomplish, then that really degrades the user experience for teens."

Hip is good, but overly busy or complex is bad. "If the site is shouting for their attention and everything is dynamic and moving, it's a big turn-off for teens," says Loranger.

So the primary Web design challenge for teens is to give a very easy-to-use design a very contemporary look. "While a cool visual design is important, you need to balance it with simple interaction because they won't spend the time to figure it out," she says.

By James Maguire

article source http://www.ecommerce-guide.com

What benefits to customers of electronic commerce

• save time and effort: open markets electronic (e-market) permanent (whole day without any holiday), does not require customers to travel or wait in a queue to buy a particular product, and not to transfer the product to the home. Does not require the purchase of a product more than clicking on the product, and some information on the credit card. There are in addition to many credit card payment systems such as the appropriate use of electronic money (E-money). • freedom of choice: the availability of e-commerce a wonderful opportunity to visit different types of shops on the Internet, in addition to this, they provide customers with full information about the products. All this is without any pressure from the vendors. • lower prices: There are many online companies that sell goods at prices lower than traditional stores, because shopping on the Internet provides many of the costs spent on the regular shopping, which is in the interest of customers. • Neil Reza used: Internet provides a direct interactive communication, which allows companies in the market-mail (e-market) take advantage of these features to respond to customer queries quickly, thus providing better services to customers and accounts for satisfaction.
Article source : www.hazemsakeek.co

What benefits of e-commerce companies

Electronic commerce provides many advantages that could benefit large companies and recall, for example, are not limited to: • marketing more effective, more profits: The adoption of Internet companies in marketing, allowing them to display their products and services in various parts of the world without interruption - for hours a day, seven days a year - giving companies greater opportunity to reap profits, as well as access to more Customers. • Reduce corporate expenses: The process of preparation and maintenance of e-commerce sites on the web more economical to build the retail market, maintenance offices. Do not require companies to considerable spending on promotional matters, or the installation of expensive equipment used in customer service. There does not appear in the company need to use A large number of staff to carry out work inventory management, as there is databases on the Internet keep on selling the company and the names of customers, and allows for a single person retrieval of information in the database to check the dates of sales easily. • communicate effectively with partners and customers: turn the e-commerce distances and crossing the border, thus providing an effective way to exchange information with partners. E-commerce and provide a good opportunity for companies to take advantage of goods and services provided by other firms (ie, suppliers), allegedly e-commerce companies to companies (Business-to-Business).Article source : http://www.7oob.net/viewArt-565.html

How to buy online? Steps to help you secure shopping

The use of credit cards on the Internet a big problem, because unlike regular pay are directly between the seller and the buyer in a few minutes, where dealing cards in the Internet arena open space because it will pay Bbtagueth deal with the hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to capture card data The numbers for use in their purchases, and the lack of the signing of a paper model of the payment card also raises other spaces that match the signature on the model of the Earth card payment may be conducive to detect Sargaha while dealing twist this card does not give an idea of the user's identity and signature, is in South Vchks East Asia for example, can steal data card of another person is in South America when the latter's use of purchase from the U.S., where it can use the first person in the purchase of other sites on the Internet, anywhere there are such sites.

Purchase through the Internet has accelerated the process of being an easy way to buy almost everything, where you can shop online anywhere on Earth, at any time you want, in the morning or evening, without leaving your home, all you need is Internet contact and credit card valid ,

So if you never purchase through the Internet you can follow the following tips when shopping online:

1 before the curfew to buy: the Internet is the most global market where you can compare prices, rather than go to the streets and research in the shops, where you can buy almost everything without leaving your home, so curfew between the different sites include the commodity purchase that you want to get what you want Well, so compare prices and specifications for each commodity.

2 decided to buy from sites that have a good reputation or those whom, and when it wants to purchase read carefully the terms of sale special delivery terms and conditions Recovery, and sites where the field for a frequently used questions (FAQs), which must be reviewed if you have any question Or a problem.

3 Always use a secure (secure website), which usually maintain data and credit card numbers to be used by procurement and will be able to determine whether the site you want to purchase a secure or not when they see a sign showing a small metal lock you in at the bottom of the screen Buy the site, and the site will usually insured letters https: instead of the letters http: where denotes (s) to a secure (secure), means that the insured location information, data and credit card numbers were hiding before they send over the Internet to the company's website does not One can access or theft of information.

4 before sending your site to buy it confirmed the authenticity of data and figures for the value of your purchases and credit card details.

5 Keep a copy of the purchase order at a time to buy via the web, while maintaining your printed copy of the hard drive (Hard Drive), and this is essential when you have questions about Datk purchased or when you need to replace it, given that many companies will Also send e-mail in which you confirm the procurement process, so you print this email and retained.

6 to protect yourself fully follow the advice gold following: never, never give details of numbers and credit card data via e-mail or via chat rooms.

7 states that the monthly review of disclosure of private credit card purchases made via the Internet, and it must be clear to you here that the names of the companies that bought some of them have different and sometimes the name of its Web site.

8 Use a credit card and only one purchase through the Internet and allocated for this purpose even easier for you to detect any attempt to use your card, and I am careful to be a balance of the card in line with the value of your purchases usually via the Internet.
Article source : www.c4arab.com

the basics of electronic commerce

* مفهوم التجارة الالكترونية Electronic Commerce: * The concept of electronic commerce Electronic Commerce: التجارة الالكترونية هو مفهوم جديد يشرح عملية بيع أو شراء أو تبادل المنتجات والخدمات والمعلومات من خلال شبكات كمبيوترية ومن ضمنها الانترنت. Electronic commerce is a new concept explaining the sale, purchase or exchange of products, services and information through computer networks including the Internet. هناك عدة وجهات نظر من أجل تعريف هذه الكلمة: There are several views for the definition of the word: - فعالم الاتصالات يعرف التجارة الالكترونية بأنه وسيلة من أجل ايصال المعلومات أو الخدمات أو المنتجات عبر خطوط الهاتف أو عبر الشبكات الكمبيوترية أو عبر أي وسيلة تقنية. - The world of communications known as electronic commerce as a means to deliver information, services or products through telephone lines or via computer networks or through any technical means. - ومن وجهة نظر الأعمال التجارية فهي عملية تطبيق التقنية من أجل جعل المعاملات التجارية تجري بصورة تلقائية وسريعة. - From the viewpoint of business process are technical in order to make commercial transactions are automatically and rapidly. - في حين أن الخدمات تعرف التجارة الالكترونية بأنها أداة من أجل تلبية رغبات الشركات والمستهلكين والمدراء في خفض كلفة الخدمة والرفع من كفاتها والعمل على تسريع ايصال الخدمة. - While the services known as electronic commerce as a tool to meet the wishes of businesses and consumers and managers to reduce the cost of service and improve the Kvadtha and to accelerate the delivery of service. - وأخيرا، فإن عالم الانترنت يعرفها بالتجارة التي تفتح المجال من أجل بيع وشراء المنتجات والخدمات والمعلومات عبر الانترنت. - Finally, the Internet is known to the world trade opens the door for the sale and purchase of products, services and information through the Internet. * مجال التجارة الاكترونية: * Electronic commerce: هيكل التجارة الالكترونية: The structure of electronic commerce: الكثير من الناس تظن بأن التجارة الالكترونية هي مجرد الحصول على موقع على الانترنت، ولكنها أكبر من ذلك بكثير. Many people think that electronic commerce is just for a Web site, but more than that. هناك الكثير من تطبيقات التجارة الالكترونية من مثل البنوك الانترنتية والتسوق في المجمعات التجارية الموجودة على الانترنت وشراء الأسهم والبحث عن عمل والقيام بمزادات والتعاون مع بقية الأفراد في عمل بحث ما. There are a lot of e-commerce applications such as online banks and shopping malls on the Internet and purchase of shares and looking for work and Bmzhadat and cooperation with other individuals in the work of the search. ومن أجل تنفيذ هذه التطبقيات، يستلزم الحصول على معلومات داعمة وأنظمة وبنية تحتية. In order to implement this Alttabkiet, requires access to supporting information systems and infrastructure. تطبيقات التجارة الالكترونية مدعومة ببنى تحتية. Applications supported by electronic commerce infrastructure. وتأدية عمل هذه التطبيقات يستلزم الاعتماد على أربعة محاور مهمة: And perform the work of these applications requires reliance on four important areas: 1) الناس 1) people 2) السياسة العامة 2) public policy 3) المعايير والبروتوكولات التقنية 3) technical standards and protocols 4) شركات أخرى 4) Other companies * أقسام تطبيقات التجارة الالكترونية: * Sections of electronic commerce applications: تطبيقات التجارة الالكترونية تنقسم إلى ثلاثة أجزاء: Electronic commerce applications is divided into three parts: 1) شراء وبيع المنتجات والخدمات وهو ما يسمى بالسوق الاكتروني. 1) the purchase and sale of products and services, which is called the electronic market. 2) تسهيل وتسيير تدفق المعلومات والاتصالات والتعاون ما بين الشركات وما بين الأجزاء المختلفة لشركة واحدة 2) to facilitate the conduct of the flow of information, communication and cooperation between companies and between different parts of a single company 3) توفير خدمة الزبائن 3) providing customer service * الأسواق الالكترونية Electronic Commerce: * Electronic markets Electronic Commerce: السوق هو عبارة عن محل من التعاملات والمعاملات والعلاقات من أجل تبادل المنتجات والخدمات والمعلومات والأموال. The market is a place of trading and transactions and relationships for the exchange of products and services, information and funds. وعندما تكون هيئة السوق الكترونية فإن مركز التجارة ليس بناية أو ما شابه بل هو محل شبكي يحوي تعاملات تجارية. When the electronic market, the ITC is not a building or the like but contains a web of business dealings. فالمشاركين في الأسواق الالكترونية من باعة ومشترين وسمسارين ليسوا فقط في أماكن مختلفة بل نادرا ما يعرفون بعضهم البعض. Valmcharkin electronic market vendors and buyers and two brokers are not only in different places, but rarely know each other. طرق التواصل ما بين الأفراد في السوق الالكتروني تختلف من فرد لآخر ومن حالة لأخرى. Methods of communication between individuals in the electronic market vary from individual to another and from one situation to another. * أنظمة المعلومات ما بين المؤسسات والأسواق الالكترونية: * Information systems between institutions and markets electronic: أنظمة المعلومات ما بين المؤسسات Interogranization Information Systems ترتكز على تبادل وتدفق المعلومات ما بين منظمتين أو أكثر. Information systems between institutions Interogranization Information Systems based on the exchange and flow of information between two or more. غرضها الأساسي هو تخليص المعاملات بصورة فعالة كارسال الحوالات المالية والفواتير والكمبيالات عبر الشبكات الخارجية. Main purpose is to rid the transactions effectively sending remittances, invoices and bills of exchange through extranets. وفي هذه الأنظمة فإن كل العلاقات ما بين الأطراف المعنية قد تم الاتفاق عليها مسبقا، فلا توجد مفاوضات أخرى ولكن مجرد تنفيذ ما تم الاتفاق عليه مسبقا. In these regulations, all relations between the parties concerned have agreed in advance, there are no further negotiations but only implementing what was agreed upon beforehand. في حين أن الباعة والمشترين في الأسواق الالكترونية يتفاوضون ويزايدون ويناقصون في السعر ويتفقون على فاتورة معينة وينفذون الاتفاق وهم متصلين بالشبكة أو غير متصلين. While the sellers and buyers in electronic markets and negotiating Izaidun and Inaqson price and agree on a particular bill implementing the agreement and are connected or not connected to the network. أنظمة ما بين المؤسسات تُستخدم فقط في تطبيقات الشركات للشركات في حين أن الأسواق الالكترونية فتستخدم في تطبيقات الشركات للشركات وفي تطبيقات الشركات للمستهلكين. Inter-institutional systems used only in applications companies, while companies in the market are used in electronic applications for companies in corporate applications companies to consumers. * أنظمة المعلومات ما بين المؤسسات: * Information systems between institutions: المجال: Field: أنظمة المعلومات ما بين المؤسسات هو نظام يربط ما بين عدة جهات تجارية وغالبا ما تشمل شركة ما ومزودها ومستهلكها. Information systems between the institutions is the system that links between several commercial and often include a company and Mzodha and the consumer. ومن خلال أنظمة المعلومات ما بين المؤسسات يستطيع الباعة والمشترون تنظيم وترتيب المعاملات التجارية الروتينية. Information systems and through inter-institutional buyers and sellers can organize and arrange routine commercial transactions. ويتم تبادل المعلومات من خلال شبكات اتصالات تم تهيئتها بصورة مناسبة لكي لا يتم استخدام الهواتف والوثائق الورقية والاتصالات التجارية. The exchange of information through communication networks were configured properly so as not to use telephones and paper documents and communications businesses. وسابقا فإن أنظمة المعلومات ما بين المؤسسات كانت تتم من خلال شبكات اتصالات خاصة ولكن الاتجاه الآن هو استخدام الانترنت لهذه الغايات. Previously, the information systems between institutions were carried out through private communications networks, but the trend is to use the Internet for such purposes. أنواع أنظمة المعلومات ما بين المؤسسات: Types of information between institutions: - التبادل الالكتروني للبيانات Electronic Data Interchange EDI : يوفر اتصال الشركات للشركات بصورة آمنة عبر شبكات القيمة المضافة Value-added Networks. - EDI Electronic Data Interchange EDI: communication companies to provide safe companies across the value-added network Value-added Networks. - الشبكة الاضافية Extranet : والتي توفر اتصال الشركات للشركات بصورة آمنة عبر الانترنت - Additional network Extranet: and communication companies that provide companies a secure online - التحويل الالكتروني للأموال Electronic Funds Transfer - Electronic funds transfer Electronic Funds Transfer - الاستمارات الالكترونية - Forms of electronic - التواصل المتكامل : هو عملية ارسال الايميلات ووثائق الفاكس عبر نظام موحد للارسال الالكتروني. - Integrated communication: the process of sending Alimiolat and fax documents through a uniform system of sending mail. - قواعد البيانات المتقاسمة : وفيها أن المعلومات المخزنة في قواعد البيانات تكون قابلة للمعاينة من قبل جميع الأطراف المشاركين في التجارة. - Shared databases: where the information stored in databases are subject to inspection by all parties involved in the trade. والغرض من هذا التقاسم هو التقليل من الوقت اللازم لارسال البيانات واستقبالها اذا لم تكن البيانات مفتوحة للجميع. The purpose of this sharing is to reduce the time needed to send and receive data if the data were not open to all. والمقاسمة تجري عبر الشبكات الاضافية. The cross-Almkasemp additional networks. - ادارة سلسلة التزويد Supply Chain Management : وهو التعاون ما بين الشركات ومزوديها ومستهلكيها في مجال التنبأ بالطلب وادارة قائمة الجرد وإنهاء الطلبات التجارية وهو التعاون الذي يؤدي إلى خفض البضائع المخزونة وإلى تسريع شحن البضائع وإلى السماح بالتصنيع الآني - Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management: a collaboration between the companies and their suppliers and consumers in Foretelling demand and inventory management applications and end a trade cooperation, which leads to a reduction of the stock and to accelerate the shipment of goods and to allow real-time manufacturing

Article source : www.c4arab.com

10steps to build successful e-commerce sites

Millions of Internet commerce sites, making the establishment of a commercial electronic business is for the attention of the full and detailed planning and informed that the launch site in the commercial digital huge ocean sites is quite different from opening a shop in a market traditionally has limited the development of marketing experts and business on the Internet ten steps To build a site successful and profitable 1. Is the first step in planning for business on the Internet in the report required of the commercial site on the Internet and identifying targets required to cover the needs and reflect the information required to show the customers to ensure the development of efficient operations and revenue collection 2. Is the second step in determining the ceiling of the first of a number of clients expected the site to monitor the specific geographic market area have good information about the company culture and needs because what can marketed in Australia may be different from marketing in India and attention to the needs of international business operations for the preparation of mechanisms and facilities To serve global customers and understanding them and that the information collected from the customer must be described to serve the commercial operations automatically for sale on line is the need to develop more than one language, or at a different locations to the States and to investigate the details of tax and customs when sending goods to customers and dealing with the issue of local currency Different exchange rates and international banks, which oversees the trading of financial 3. The third step speaks of the need to budget for the site server information and marketing costs as well as maintenance and administration expenses and sources of information, materials and monthly installments and others, should be noted here that care and promoted the site to change and maintain the latest information and marketing almost Permanent preceded the importance of the money because it required modernization and service More spending 4. Are the fourth step on the need to involve all departments work in the company's strategy to contribute to the commercial site and take suggestions and contributions and partnerships, including the site in order to reflect a vision of an integrated and mature work covers all areas of work and this makes the website to win various initiatives projects rather than to be the work of a single administration is administration The work of electronic information suggesting a shift in the institution or the establishment of electronic business on the basis of a comprehensive requires that the institution would consider all electronically. 5. Step five cautions to the border of the technical and indexing using any browser, or the possibilities of sound cards and other technical standards that the rapid evolution of PC forcing all users install the latest innovations and services in general all groups with a multimedia presentation that will ensure the sound, images and video 6. Step sixth to draw the important things in a list of the contents of the site and its relationship to mind Palmtcefhin wanted an initial stage and put the contents of a later time be lowered to the site with the increasing operations and the content must be related to the concerns of customers and are constantly adjusted 7. The seventh step concerns the choice of the name of the site brief Maomcn more small and symbolic and expressive of the better handling and navigation because it reduces the risk of error in the introduction of stocks and easy-to-remember 8. Eighth to move signals the need to ensure the effectiveness of e-mail links to the site and easy to reach, simply because the main bridge of communication with clients and deal with them without the site remains isolated and has no meaning to existence on the network and recall that the program RSVP provides answers functional automatic sorting system based on the Intelligent Service Customers can be defined in advance and amended 9. Step ninth start the implementation phase of e-business has chosen the design of appropriate sites that could provide regular services to the site can be designed if the self-site resources are not available, but that effort is limited if a minor is not the company's design department specialized pages, because it requires a collective effort And specialized programs in the companies only if they are large or provide such services, either choose the company are appropriate notes of the 3 companies and the date of their work, projects and the number of staff and programmers and their important work known to be the new design because the crucial factor 10. Tenth step is to focus on marketing the site and ensure a lasting development of critical questions on how to reach a certain number of browsers, especially if the site were required to attract a certain category of a region or a specific profession and therefore how the announcement in any country and any advertising sites on the Internet, usually taking the marketing budget Equal 30 percent of the cost of operating the site with the addition of (5-10) percent per month on marketing emergency changes depending on the market and the statistics data entry of the site and other variables It is wrong to believe that the launch and operation of the site mean the end of mission Thus, the commercial launch site for the child Kuladp then requires follow-up care and development and to strengthen and grow up to maturity stage quickly and give the benefits of it and hoped that the site remains a work in the commercial project does not end
Article source : www.c4arab.com

How to build a site commercially successful

Marketing sites have become an important part in the world of the Internet, not only for owners who expect them to generate their profits, even for shoppers who expect them everything good and useful. The successful launch of the marketing, it must be built successful and also well as requires the beginning of the activity is appropriate, and then examine the chances of success, then find the expected number of visitors, and then monitor conscious of the geographic market that will work, and taking into account the nature and the culture of customers who leave To Must also budget for the site server information and marketing costs, as well as maintenance and management expenses and sources of information, materials and monthly installments and others. Then there is a very important site to be determined Ehmlh, a list of the contents of the site and its relationship to mind Palmtcefhin wanted an initial stage and put the contents of a later time, with landings at the site in line with growing operations, and meet the wishes and aspirations of customers. And who wanted to spread quickly to choose its name is short and attractive as possible, the more easier and shorter the better for deliberation and navigation, because it reduces the risk of error in the introduction and easy-to-remember name. Must also not overlook the effectiveness of e-mail links to the site and easy access to that basic bridge of communication with clients and dealing with them, without which the site remains isolated and has no meaning to existence on the Web. The start of executive steps for e-business has chosen the design of appropriate sites, which could provide regular services of the site, the site could be designed if the self-resources are not available, but that effort is limited if a minor is not the company's design department specialized pages, because this work needs to be Collective efforts and specialized programs, and the companies only if they are large, or provide such services Finally, to ensure the development of the site must be permanently critical questions on how to reach a certain number of browsers of the site, especially if required to attract a certain category of a region or a specific profession, and therefore, how are advertised in any country with any ad sites on the Internet, are typically marketing budget Equal to 30% of the costs of operating the site. With the addition of (5-10)% per month on marketing changes depending on the emergency data and statistics to enter the market of the site and other variables, it is wrong to believe that the launch and operation of the site mean the end of the mission.
Article source : www.c4arab.com

Obstacles to electronic commerce

Despite the e-commerce provided many advantages as previously stated, there are obstacles that stand in the way of expansion of introduced them in the modern alternative to traditional trade, and these constraints due to the nature of this type of trade itself, which is attributed to the conditions Around, as that which can be summarized as follows: 1 - the prevalence of risk in electronic trading as a result of weakened confidence in dealing in this way either found or easily manipulated in transactions which take place. 2 - Inadequate safety elements for the means of payment. 3 - The difficulty in dealing often as a result of the multiplicity of normative standards applied by different countries in this regard. 4 - the fear of penetration by commercial sites hackers Hackers is what is happening now is so broad it came recently to break into Microsoft and the same result, huge material losses. 5 - the impact of the bad experiences of fraud by companies or even by some consumers on the Web. . 6 - deficiencies in the application of the rules of intellectual property protection in many of the legislation. 7 - the lack of legislation governing the integrated e-commerce and related topics. 8 - conflict between the legislation of States in this regard contrary to the nature of this type of trade. MAIN OBSTACLE e-commerce in Egypt: § illiteracy in the traditional format (ignorance of reading and writing) § IT literacy (ignorance of the methods of dealing with computers and software). § language barrier, where it is most e-commerce transactions in English. § relative poverty. § relative non-proliferation in the news telecommunications. § control of monetary values of society as cash transactions are mostly cash, rather than the traditional tools of modern financial dealings. § Allamady intangible nature of the deal "not encourage many to deal with people who are mobilizing against a face-to-face and electronic media and non-paper
Article source :www.beldubai.com