future prospects for electronic commerce

Is increasing day by day the number of merchants who express optimism about the benefits of e-commerce, allowing the trade of new small businesses to compete with large companies. And develop several techniques to overcome the obstacles faced by customers, especially at the level of confidentiality and security of financial transactions on the Internet, the most important of these layers of security protocol (Secure Socket Layers-SSL) protocol and safe financial movements (Secure Electronic Transactions-SET), and the appearance of such Techniques and solutions to remove many of the concerns that had some of these indicators and promise a bright future of electronic commerce, and that the essence of e-commerce had become a reality, and prospects and potential does not come to an end. Despite all these indicators, which promises a bright future for e-commerce, but it is difficult to predict what will take us this trade, but the only thing certain is that e-commerce are here to stay.
the future prospects for electronic commerce: Is increasing day by day the number of merchants who express optimism about the benefits of e-commerce, allowing the trade of new small businesses to compete with large companies. And develop several techniques to overcome the obstacles faced by customers, especially at the level of confidentiality and security of financial transactions on the Internet, the most important of these layers of security protocol (Secure Socket Layers-SSL) protocol and safe financial movements (Secure Electronic Transactions-SET), and the appearance of such Techniques and solutions to remove many of the concerns that had some of these indicators and promise a bright future of electronic commerce, and that the essence of e-commerce had become a reality, and prospects and potential does not come to an end. Despite all these indicators, which promises a bright future for e-commerce, but it is difficult to predict what will take us this trade, but the only thing certain is that e-commerce are here to stay.
Article source : /www.hazemsakeek.com